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What will beauty look like in 2040?

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Deepak Shahdadpuri (Managing Director, DSG Consumer Partners) and Nader Naeymi-Rad (Founder, Indie Beauty Media Group) have tried to answer the question about beauty 2040 during the last BOLD forum sharing their provoking and disruptive vision on tomorrow's beauty landscape.
Their discussion highlighted a clear timing: the next 15 years mark a turning point where established trends will mature while new ones will flourish. Looking at the crystal ball, our expert speakers including Diarrha Ndiaye, Marie-Caroline Darbon and Katherine Power went through a range of topics such as sustainability, increasing diversity, emerging markets like India, new service expectations, and role of AI which, when taken together, are designing what beauty will look like in 2040.
This long-term vision is a key driver that allows us stepping into an un-know future, working alongside innovative start-ups to redefine and build tomorrow’s beauty codes. 

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